Roy Bortolotto

Lent is a time of spiritual reflection on our walk with God. Spending more time in prayer, scripture reading and devotions prepare us for service in our communities, on the job, and with our families. Then we can welcome Jesus as the crowds did on Palm Sunday, but with much greater knowledge than they had. He is our mentor, teacher and guide whose life offered on the cross provides forgiveness and his resurrection on Easter morning eternal life.

In this holy season, may our hearts understand the invitation God gives to all who seek his company, direction and wisdom. Let's make our Lenten journey meaningful and productive in the days ahead. 

Roy Bortolotto, DLM
Office: 110 Lonsdale St., Box 97, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0; (306) 739-2233
Residence: (306) 538-2045; Cell: (306) 736-7162
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